Real People Empowered
High performance strategy specialists aiding organisations and individuals to be future-ready.

Real People Empowered believes that transformation is key to unlocking human potential, leading to exceptional performance. Just like the caterpillar undergoes a metamorphosis to become a butterfly, organisations can transform themselves at all levels of management to reach their full potential.
Using a bold and sophisticated font, the design portrays a modern interpretation of a butterfly. Through its remarkable transformation from a caterpillar to a delicate and stunning winged creature, the butterfly has become a powerful symbol of change and optimism, recognised across cultures as an emblem of rebirth and renewal.
The company's colour scheme incorporates purple, which symbolises transformation, a burnt orange, which evokes feelings of warmth and comfort. Additionally, a playful and nurturing pink represents urgency, creating a well-rounded and visually appealing palette.
Custom iconography plays a crucial role in creating a unique and recognisable visual identity for a brand.